Sunday, July 8, 2018

Can You Smell Change in the Air?

So, here's the thing.
I don't know if it's obvious (which it 100% is), but I have been less than vigilant about posting lately, but there is a reason behind it.

Basically, I just graduated from high school (yay!) in May and have been juggling 3 jobs this summer in order to help get a little extra money for college. I have done very little reading, but I feel good about reading a lot more when school starts up.

My major is publishing! Because of this, and since I have recently been working on writing my own book, I plan on writing more blog posts about the publishing process and some about writing, world building, and whatever else people want to hear about! I would be more than happy to listen to suggestions about what y'all want to read about. Whether it be more about publishing, book writing, excerpts, quotes, reviews, or even my daily life, I'll post whatever.

Thank you all for being so understanding. I think great things are coming and I can't wait to share it with all of you!

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