Hello all! The eternal struggle that is finding the right book that could possibly be your next favourite it often very trying and at times even tiring. However, I've developed a few ways that might help you find your book sweet spot!
1. Search up a book you love on Amazon and look at the "Others Also Purchased"
Oh wow, never thought of that one, eh? It might be simple, but sometimes it really works! Give it a go!
2. Search up a book you love on Goodreads and look at the Listopias it is listed under
Usually people like to keep their favourite books in one place and Listopia is a great tool for this! A few starting places:
Great books all in the same place. Of course, many of them are of Fantasy, Fiction, Dystopian decent, but in any case, they're considered great books by many people, maybe you'll think so too!
3. Look at what authors of your favourite books are reading and/or love(d).
If they wrote about it, surely they love it too, so why not do some snooping and see what's on their reading radar? It might surprise you!
4. Utilize fellow book lovers!
Yes! Book lovers unite! Ask a random book lover about their favourite book and/or series. Not only will you make a new friend for life, but you'll also strike up a great conversation and possibly find a new book you've never considered before.
Put yourselves out there and don't be afraid to ask questions of people. Book lovers I know love to talk about books, so be adventurous, try books you might not normally read and you might discover a whole new side of the Bookiverse!
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